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Sure enough, the Chiefs fan ultimately purchased a cap. Kaufman quickly replied, “Welcome to the dark side.” Wright said the couple were Kansas City Chiefs fans, but Harris jokingly told her to shush while looking over at store manager Jackie Kaufman. He was trying on a black hat with a Raiders shield logo. “No, she didn’t know, but I did,” Harris quipped, chuckling. She said they’re looking forward to relaxing and hanging out on the Strip, adding that she didn’t realize the draft was taking place until they arrived. “After we leave here, we’re going over there (NFL draft stage),” Wright said. Victoria Wright and Aaron Harris were in town from Kansas City, Missouri. Just outside the shop’s doors a massive screen, hoisted above the mall’s Great Hall, was playing live coverage of the NFL draft, which was set to start in less than an hour.

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Shoppers inside Fashion Show Las Vegas’ The Raider Image store could be seen scanning the wall-to-wall displays of Raiders T-shirts, jerseys and caps. (Bizuayehu Tesfaye/Las Vegas Review-Journal) fans were still out grabbing gear on day two of the NFL draft, including Las Vegas Raiders followers. NFL Las Vegas store launched the collection before it is available online. David Ifejika of Toronto, Canada, checks out the Warren Lotas x Mitchell & Ness capsule collection T-shirts and hoodies for the 2022 NFL draft on Thursday, April 28, 2022, in Las Vegas.

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